Sunday, August 21, 2011

A Simple Start

My mom has encouraged me to write a blog for quite some time now, and I've recently been motivated by my literature professor at school, so here we are. A lot of my apprehension towards starting this blog is feeling overwhelmed with the choices of things to share, so this will be a simple start.

I had Saturday off this weekend, so Travis and I spent some time up at the lake. We had intended to fish, but there were mechanical problems with the boat, and a  major storm rolled through Saturday which prevented us from doing so. It's nice having time set aside to cast away all worries and stress related with "real life", and just enjoy the view. The hummingbirds there always inspire me.

I'm about 90% decided on going to see my doctor about some anti-anxiety medicine. Speaking of anxiety, I have a dental appointment on Tuesday morning. I can feel my blood pressure rising just thinking about it.

The weather today was amazing. I spent the day building an outdoor enclosure for my bantam breed chickens. I opened the door for them to explore it, but they're apparently apprehensive. Maybe tomorrow.  Travis traded the '78 Ford for a dirt bike. I'm determined to learn how to drive it.

Chobani greek yogurt $10/10 at Meijer.. a dairy dream come true!

I have plans tomorrow to make corn chowder when I get home from class. I've not made it since culinary school, and am looking forward to revisiting the past through its flavors.

Travis is talking about buying his uncle's house. The thought is overwhelming to me.

I love spending time at the lake but I'm looking forward to sleeping in my own bed tonight. I can hear it calling my name as I type.

I hope to wake up to fully ripened cherry tomatoes in the garden tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

1 comment:

  1. Proud of you girl! Keep up the heartfelt writing and sharing your unique point of view!
